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it was Aif

Agricultural and Forestry

Era Aif, as the agricultural arm of the Restilhè brand, is an autarky initiative that aims to develop the primary sector of the Val d'Aran, sowing, grazing, pruning, protecting ... in short, respecting and loving the land.

The perception of a well-cared and active land, self-sufficient, aims to be the mark of the project, both for the visitor, who will tend to recover a vision of an active, worked and productive land, and for the inhabitant, who can be proud of not being totally dependent of snow to survive.

The recovery of the agrosilvopastoral landscape of the Pyrenean areas also implies a high environmental and cultural investment, an increase in biodiversity, an increase in ecotone areas, recovery of traditional jobs and recovery of varieties adapted to the territory.

It is intended to carry out the production of vegetable and animal raw materials in an organic and natural way, by putting into production farms currently in disuse.

Dividing the vegetables into two large groups, on the one hand, annual crops, which will be carried out in the first 2 or 3 years, with high profitability. On the other hand, and once the land has been conditioned, the intention is to install permanent or long-term crops, with medium profitability.

The selected crops are mostly of local varieties and have an excellent adaptation to the altimetry and climate of the area, providing an added guarantee of success in their production.


Self-cultivation of own vegetable raw materials:

At present, 80% of the plant materials used in the different arms of the project are produced in the family garden, located in Garòs, very close to the Eth Restilhè Restaurant.

  • Cabbages, leeks and celery for the Olla Aranesa.

  • Onions, for the black sausages of Er Obrador.

  • Salads and Tomatoes, for the different Eth Restilhè and Gourmet d'Occitània salads.

Recovery of local varieties:

  • Potato from Arres, in the selection process.

  • Bossòst bean, recovered and recognized as a "Commercial Variety". The process of creating a growers association has started, which has to lead to the creation of a PGI.

  • Bausèn pea, in the selection process.

  • Vine, a variety of white and red, in the process of recognition.

  • Manzanos, in collaboration with Aran de Terra and Arantast.

Vine planting and management, in collaboration with Aran Viticultors, SL.

Construction and operation of an organic laying hen farm.

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Agricultural and Forestry eth Restilhè

Les Closes, 12
25530 Vielha (Val d´Aran)
Tel. 973 643 329

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